Hangzhou, China


What is Silver Migration? How Do Membrane Switches Prevent Silver Migration?
In the fields of microelectronics and printed circuits, a frequent issue is silver migration. This article dives deep into understanding silver migration, its consequences, and prevention techniques in membrane switches.…

In-Depth Analysis: Strategies of Shielded Membrane Switches in Resisting ESD, EMI, and RFI
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Electrostatic discharge is a phenomenon where electric charge suddenly moves between two objects at different potentials. This process is influenced by factors such as the conductivity of…

The surface wetting tension of PET film
Surface Wetting Tension and Its Significance Surface wetting tension refers to the ability of a liquid to spread across a solid surface, typically expressed in mN/m (milliNewtons per meter). PET…

What is Electrical Conductivity? How Does the Conductivity of Silver Paste Affect Different Aspects?
1. Basic Concept of Electrical Conductivity Electrical conductivity is a physical quantity that measures the ability of a material to conduct electricity, commonly denoted by the Greek letter σ (sigma).…

Comprehensive Guide to Implementing Antibacterial Treatment on PET Films
Introduction Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a thermoplastic polymer widely used in packaging, fibers, and many other industrial fields. Due to its excellent physical and chemical properties, PET film holds a…

Custom Membrane Keypad Manufacturer

Enhancing Adhesion for Graphic Overlays: The Essential Guide to Surface Pre-treatment of PET Films
PET film surface treatment for graphic overlays & membrane panels Why is Surface Pre-treatment Necessary for PET Films? PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) films are widely used in the printing and packaging…

In-Depth Analysis of Color Systems: Differences and Challenges in Converting RGB to CMYK, Alongside PANTONE and RAL
This article delves into the distinctions and applications of PANTONE, RAL, CMYK, and RGB color systems, emphasizing their significance in various industries. It addresses three main questions: the differences between…

Membrane Switch Design Guide
Designing a membrane switch necessitates a holistic consideration of both customer requirements and the application environment to ensure product stability and durability. Evaluation is key when it comes to anticipating…

How Does an LGF Backlit Membrane Switch Achieve Uniform Light Diffusion?
Light Guide Film (LGF) plays a pivotal role in the design of backlit membrane switches and illumination membrane switches, with its primary function being to ensure even diffusion of light.…